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A publications repository from the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile
Latest publications
1311. |
Back to the Future: Omniscient Debugging.
Journal: IEEE Software. Volume: 26. Issue: 6. Pages: 78-85. Date: November 2009. Authors: Guillaume Pothier, Éric Tanter |
1312. |
Audio-Based Navigation Using Virtual Environments: Combining Technology and Neuroscience.
Journal: AER Journal: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness. Volume: 2. Issue: 3. Pages: 128-137. Date: September 2009. Authors: Lotfi Merabet, Jaime Sánchez |
1313. |
Logical Foundations of Relational Data Exchange.
Journal: SIGMOD Record. Volume: 38. Issue: 1. Pages: 49-58. Date: March 2009. Authors: Pablo Barceló |
1314. |
E-Breaker: Flexible, Distributed Environment for
Collaborative Authoring.
Editors: Marcos R.S. Borges, Weiming Shen, José A. Pino, Jean-Paul Barthes, Junzhou Luo, Sergio Ochoa, Jianming Yang. Conference: IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design (Santiago, Chile). Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press. Pages: 173-178. Date: 2009. Authors: Nelson Baloian, Francisco Claude, Roberto Konow, Sebastián Kreft |
1315. |
Compressed Representations of Permutations, and
Editors: Susanne Albers, Jean-Yves Marion. Conference: International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (Freiburg, Germany). Publisher: IBFI Schloss Dagstuhl. Pages: 111-122. Date: 2009. Authors: Jérémy Barbay, Gonzalo Navarro |
1316. |
Videojuegos Móviles para Aprender y Pensar en Ciencias.
Journal: Anales de la Universidad Metropolitana. Volume: 9. Issue: 1. Pages: 67-86. Date: 2009. Authors: Jaime Sánchez, Mauricio Sáenz, Álvaro Salinas |
1317. |
Evaluación de un Proceso Instruccional Colaborativo de Ingeniería
de Software para Ambientes de Aprendizaje Distribuidos.
Journal: Revista Avances en Sistemas e Informática. Volume: 6. Issue: 2. Pages: 149-159. Date: September 2009. Authors: María Lund, Sergio Zapata, Laura Aballay, Myriam Herrera, Estela Torres, César Collazos, Faber Giraldo, Sergio Ochoa |
1318. |
Semantics and complexity of SPARQL.
Journal: Transactions on Database Systems. Volume: 34. Issue: 3. Date: 2009. Authors: Jorge Pérez, Marcelo Arenas, Claudio Gutierrez |
1319. |
Simple and Efficient Minimal RDFS.
Journal: Journal of Web Semantics. Volume: 7. Issue: 3. Pages: 220-234. Date: 2009. Authors: Sergio Muñoz, Jorge Pérez, Claudio Gutierrez |
1320. |
A Prototype for Querying LZCS Transformed Documents.
Journal: IEEE Latin America. Volume: 7. Issue: 3. Pages: 353-360. Date: 2009. Authors: Joaquín Adiego, Gonzalo Navarro, Pablo de la Fuente |