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Title A New Point Access Method based on Wavelet Trees
Authors Nieves Brisaboa, Miguel Luaces, Gonzalo Navarro, Diego Seco
Publication date 2009
Abstract The development of index structures that allow efficient retrieval of spatial objects has been a topic of interest in the last decades. Most of these structures have been designed for secondary memory. However, in the last years the price of memory has decreased drastically. Nowadays it is feasible to place complete spatial indexes in main memory.
In this paper we focus in a subcategory of spatial indexes named Point Access Methods. These indexes are designed to solve the problem of indexing points. We present a new index structure designed for two dimensions and main memory that keeps a good trade-off between the space needed to store the index and its search efficiency. Our structure is based on a \emph{wavelet tree}, which was originally designed to represent sequences, but has been successfully used as an index in areas like information retrieval or image compression.
Pages 297-306
Conference name International Workshop on Semantic and Conceptual Issues in GIS
Publisher Springer-Verlag (Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany)
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