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Title The Effects of Team Gender Composition in Capstone Software Development Projects
Authors Cecilia Bastarrica, Jocelyn Simmonds
Publication date 2022
Abstract Women are greatly underrepresented in software engineering
programs. Thus, few women enter the software development industry, and even
fewer stay for a long time. The roles assumed by most of those that do stay
evolve over time, becoming more managerial and less technical. Some
companies prefer not to hire women, since some stereotypes suggest that they
may be less productive, more troublesome or that they may eventually drop
out due to personal issues. In this paper, we aim to prove that women are at
least as productive as men when addressing technical work. Moreover, we also
intend to show that including more women in development teams positively
impacts workplace climate. To address this issue we conducted a case study
where we analyzed the impact of counting on different number of women in 53
development teams in a software engineering capstone course over 5 years.
University capstone courses are final courses that resemble industrial work.
We found that both women and men perform similarly, but teams that have
women have less outliers. These results suggest that it may be convenient to
include women as part of software development teams whenever possible. We
hypothesize that frequent women dropout may be in part due to the lack of
recognition of the benefits of including them in software development
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Pages 1-6
Conference name Proceedings of the International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society
Publisher IEEE Computer Society Press (Los Alamitos, CA, USA)
Reference URL View reference page