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Title Women Performance in a Computer Science Program
Authors Catalina Rojas, Cecilia Bastarrica
Publication date 2023
Abstract Historically, women have been underrepresented in STEM
both in academia and industry. Gender prejudices sometimes assume that women
are less competent in computer science. Chile has implemented various
affirmative action initiatives to attract women to computer science
programs, but there is almost no research on women's performance in these
programs. To address this issue, we conducted a descriptive case study that
analyzes grades obtained in all mandatory courses within a computer science
program over a span of 12 years. The results reveal women have a slight
significant better overall performance and that there are no significant
differences in grades across most of the courses, with only three courses
showing a slight advantage for women. This study intends to serve a dual
purpose: guiding efforts to attract and promote women in computer science
and providing the industry with valuable insights into the strengths and
weaknesses of female candidates during the hiring process.
Conference name Proceedings of the International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society
Publisher IEEE Computer Society Press (Los Alamitos, CA, USA)
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