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Title Multiple Views for Supporting Lifelong, Highly Contextual and Ubiquitous Social Learning
Authors Francisco Gutierrez, Gustavo Zurita, Nelson Baloian
Publication date 2013
Abstract Current social networking services provide ways to access
to huge
amounts of information in different contexts. However, these applications
are still not oriented to managing knowledge or facilitating learning
processes. Aiming to help users to access, create, validate and distribute
their knowledge, we propose the design of a prototype combining multiple
views to support highly contextual learning. This prototype consists
on a mobile application based on diverse functionalities and interaction
mechanisms currently used in social networking services. With this
application, users will be able to register elements from their surrounding
environment in form of micronotes, concepts, images, or other media. These
knowledge blocks can be processed and rendered in different views (text,
map, calendar, concept map, timeline), and augmented with information
related to their space, time, and reference contextual
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Pages 34-41
Conference name International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence
Publisher Springer-Verlag (Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany)