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Title Magic Mirror for Neurorehabilitation of People with Upper Limb Dysfunction using Kinect
Authors Orlando Erazo, José A. Pino, Rosario Pino, Carmen Fernandez
Publication date 2014
Abstract Most patients requiring neurorehabilitation
continue training at home without supervision of their
therapists. They have troubles such as loss of
motivation, routine difficulty, and lack of a guide to
execute a task. We propose to support these patients
with an application that follows the Magic Mirror
paradigm, using a Natural User Interface and
Microsoft Kinect. The software is aimed at patients
suffering from various types of upper limb dysfunction.
It is composed of three routines that allow patients to
train their injured upper limbs to reach and grasp
objects. The performed tests show the proposed
application suitability. Therapists as well as adults
with upper limb dysfunction participated in the study.
These patients undergo rehabilitation at the Institute of
Neurosurgery in Santiago, Chile. The application
includes nine functions that received positive
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Pages 2607-2615
Conference name Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Publisher IEEE Computer Society Press (Los Alamitos, CA, USA)