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Title Does JavaScript Software Embrace Classes?
Authors Leonardo Humberto Silva, Miguel Ramos, Marco Tulio Valente, Alexandre Bergel, Nicolas Anquetil
Publication date 2015
Abstract JavaScript is the de facto programming language for the Web.
It is used to implement mail clients, office applications, or IDEs, that can
weight hundreds of thousands of lines of code. The language itself is
prototype based, but to master the complexity of their application,
practitioners commonly rely on informal class abstractions. This practice
has never been the target of empirical research in JavaScript. Yet,
understanding it is key to adequately tuning programming environments and
structure libraries such that they are accessible to programmers. In this
paper we report on a large and in-depth study to understand how class
emulation is employed in JavaScript applications. We propose a strategy to
statically detect class-based abstractions in the source code of JavaScript
systems. We used this strategy in a dataset of 50 popular JavaScript
applications available from GitHub. We found four types of JavaScript
software: class-free (systems that do not make any usage of classes),
class-aware (systems that use classes, but marginally), class-friendly
(systems that make a relevant usage of classes), and class-oriented (systems
that have most of their data structures implemented as classes). The systems
in these categories represent, respectively, 26%, 36%, 30%, and 8% of the
systems we studied.
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Pages 73-82
Conference name IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering
Publisher IEEE Computer Society Press (Los Alamitos, CA, USA)
Reference URL View reference page