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Title Optimising Adjacent Membrane Segmentation and Parameterisation in Multicellular Aggregates by Piecewise Active Contours
Authors Jorge Jara-Wilde, I. Castro, C.G. Lemus, Karina Palma, F. Valdes, Victor CastaƱeda, Nancy Hitschfeld, Miguel Concha, Steffen Haertel
Publication date May 2020
Abstract n fluorescence microscopy imaging, the segmentation of ad-
jacent cell membranes within cell aggregates, multicellular
samples, tissue, organs, or whole organisms remains a chal-
lenging task. The lipid bilayer is a very thin membrane when
compared to the wavelength of photons in the visual spec-
tra. Fluorescent molecules or proteins used for labelling mem-
branes provide a limited signal intensity, and light scattering
in combination with sample dynamics during in vivo imaging
lead to poor or ambivalent signal patterns that hinder pre-
cise localisation of the membrane sheets. In the proximity of
cells, membranes approach and distance each other. Here, the
presence of membrane protrusions such as blebs; filopodia and
lamellipodia; microvilli; or membrane vesicle trafficking, lead
to a plurality of signal patterns, and the accurate localisation
of two adjacent membranes becomes difficult.
Several computational methods for membrane segmentation
have been introduced. However, few of them specifically con-
sider the accurate detection of adjacent membranes. In this ar-
ticle we present ALPACA (ALgorithm for Piecewise Adjacent
Contour Adjustment), a novel method based on 2D piecewise
parametric active contours that allows: (i) a definition of prox-
imity for adjacent contours, (ii) a precise detection of adjacent,
nonadjacent, and overlapping contour sections, (iii) the def-
inition of a polyline for an optimised shared contour within adjacent
sections and (iv) a solution for connecting adjacent
and nonadjacent sections under the constraint of preserving
the inherent cell morphology.
We show that ALPACA leads to a precise quantification of ad-
jacent and nonadjacent membrane zones in regular hexagons
and live image sequences of cells of the parapineal organ dur-
ing zebrafish embryo development. The algorithm detects and
corrects adjacent, nonadjacent, and overlapping contour sec-
tions within a selected adjacency distance d, calculates shared
contour sections for neighbouring cells with minimum al-
terations of the contour characteristics, and presents piece-
wise active contour solutions, preserving the contour shape
and the overall cell morphology. ALPACA quantifies adjacent
contours and can improve the meshing of 3D surfaces, the
determination of forces, or tracking of contours in combina-
tion with previously published algorithms. We discuss pitfalls,
strengths, and limits of our approach, and present a guideline
to take the best decision for varying experimental conditions
for in vivo microscopy.
Pages 59-75
Volume 278
Journal name Journal of Microscopy
Publisher John Wiley & Sons (Hoboken, NJ, USA)
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