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Title Laconic Image Classification: Human vs. Machine Performance
Authors Javier Carrasco, Aidan Hogan, Jorge Pérez
Publication date 2020
Abstract We propose laconic classification as a novel way to
and compare the performance of diverse image classifiers. The goal in this
setting is to minimise the amount of information (aka. entropy) required in
individual test images to maintain correct classification. Given a
classifier and a test image, we compute an approximate minimal-entropy
positive image for which the classifier provides a correct classification,
becoming incorrect upon any further reduction. The notion of entropy offers
a unifying metric that allows to combine and compare the effects of various
types of reductions (e.g., crop, colour reduction, resolution reduction) on
classification performance, in turn generalising similar methods explored in
previous works. Proposing two complementary frameworks for computing the
minimal-entropy positive images of both human and machine classifiers, in
experiments over the ILSVRC test-set, we find that machine classifiers are
more sensitive entropy-wise to reduced resolution (versus cropping or
reduced colour for machines, as well as reduced resolution for humans),
supporting recent results suggesting a texture bias in the ILSVRC-trained
models used. We also find, in the evaluated setting, that humans classify
the minimal entropy positive images of machine models with higher precision
than machines classify those of humans.
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Pages 115-124
Conference name ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
Publisher ACM Press (New York, NY, USA)
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