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Title Querying Graph Patterns
Authors Leonid Libkin, Juan Reutter, Pablo Barceló
Publication date 2011
Abstract Graph data appears in a variety of application domains, and many uses of
it, such as querying, matching, and transforming data, naturally
result in incompletely specified graph data, i.e., graph
patterns. While queries need to be posed again such data, techniques
for querying patterns are generally lacking, and properties of such
queries are not well understood.
Our goal is to study the basics of querying graph patterns. We first
identify key features of patterns, such as node and label variables
and edges specified by regular expressions, and define a
classification of patterns based on them. We then study standard graph
queries on graph patterns, and give precise characterizations of both
data and combined complexity for each class of patterns. If complexity
is high, we do further analysis of features that lead to
intractability, as well as lower-complexity restrictions. We
introduce a new automata model for query answering with two modes of
acceptance: one captures queries returning nodes, and the other
queries returning paths. We study properties of such automata, and the
key computational tasks associated with them. Finally, we provide
additional restrictions for tractability, and show that some
intractable cases can be naturally cast as instances of constraint
satisfaction problem.
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Pages 199-210
Conference name ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
Publisher ACM Press (New York, NY, USA)
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