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Title The Future Role of HTML5 in Mobile Situated Learning Scenarios
Authors Nelson Baloian, Jonathan Frez, Marc Janser, Gustavo Zurita
Publication date 2011
Abstract Today usually every student owns a reasonably powerful mobile device
that allows to be integrated in mobile learning scenarios. One of the
drawbacks of the fast evolution of reasonably powerful devices, is the
heterogeneity of that these kind of devices usually bring with them.
This paper provides an overview how rich mobile learning scenarios can
be implemented platform independent on the basis of HTML5 and
JavaScript. The paper presents a mobile learning application based on
the principles of Situated Learning entirely developed in HTML5. The
paper also presents the results of tests performed with the
application which were aimed at finding out the difference in
performance users perceived when compared with the native desktop
version of the application and the added value that mobility
introduces in learning activities.
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Pages 249-257
Conference name World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning
Publisher Normal University of Beijing (Beijing, China)