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Title Semi-automated Annotation of Repetitive Ornaments on 3D Painted Pottery Surfaces
Authors Stefan Lengauer, Alexander Komar, Stephan Karl, Elisabeth Trinkl, Iván Sipirán, Tobias Schreck, Reinhold Preiner
Publication date 2020
Abstract The creation of drawings from the surface of painted
artifacts is an important practice in archaeological research and
documentation. Traditional approaches include manual drawings using pen and
paper, either directly on the physical surface, or from photographs, while
more recent approaches are supported by photography or flattening of 3D
digitized objects. Elaborate vase paintings, mostly showing figural scenes,
often comprise ornamental decorations in secondary position or in the
background, exhibiting repetitive patterns. We propose a tool supporting the
creation of archaeological drawings with a semi-automatic extraction of
ornamental surface sections, based on a combination of user-defined queries
and self-similarity detection. Appropriate heuristics allow to detect the
presence and positions of ornamental bands, a frequently occurring scheme,
where ornamental primitives are evenly spaced along the tangential direction
of a vessel's solid of revolution. Our interactive tool allows domain
experts to efficiently select ornamental queries, and assess the quality of
resulting similarity detections. First experiments with real world artifacts
from ancient Greek and Peruvian cultures confirm the feasibility of the
Pages article 2020128
Conference name Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
Publisher Eurographics Association
Reference URL View reference page