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Title Multicultural Aspects in HCI-Curricula
Authors César Collazos, Toni Granollers, Rosa Gil, Luis Guerrero, Sergio Ochoa
Publication date 2010
Abstract In the developing of any kind of interactive and information
applications, multicultural aspects, usually, have not been
considered. Therefore, people need to adapt to the interfaces instead the
opposite, interfaces adapting themselves to the user
characteristics. Designing products for international users all above the
world is a non solved challenge and will be one of the
main goals for future marketing strategies. HCI area has experimented a
growth that has occurred as a result of the generalization
of computer use and of problems which originate from use by people who are
not specifically trained in these appliances. Despite
this growth, multicultural aspects in many cases are not included in the HCI
Curricula. In recent years, diverse symptoms have
expounded that the Ibero-American market is growing very fast to incorporate
professionals with HCI backgrounds and solid
knowledge about User Centred Design methods. Indeed, these kind of
professionals are currently required when developing or
localizing interactive systems in this particular scenario. In this paper,
we describe the experience of starting the first HCI master
in Spanish language for the wide Spanish speaking context held in the
University of Lleida (Catalonia, Spain), where we have
included specific courses including the multicultural aspects. They will
orient the students to have in mind cross-cultural factors
when developing international interfaces. In many cases, even it implies
adapting evaluation techniques such as usability
heuristics traditionally used in HCI courses.
Conference name World Conference in Educational Sciences
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