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Title Sense through Time: Diachronic Word Sense Annotations for Word Sense Induction and Lexical Semantic Change Detection
Authors Dominik Schlechtweg, Frank D. Zamora-Reina, Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Nikolay Arefyev
Publication date September 2024
Abstract There has been extensive work on human word sense
i.e., manually labeling word uses in natural texts according to their
senses. Such labels were primarily created for the tasks of Word Sense
Disambiguation (WSD) and Word Sense Induction (WSI). However, almost all
datasets annotated with word senses are synchronic datasets, i.e., contain
texts created in a relatively short period of time and often do not provide
the creation date of the texts. This ignores possible applications in
diachronic-historic settings, where the aim is to induce or disambiguate
historical word senses or changes in senses across time. To facilitate
investigations into historical WSD and WSI and to establish connections with
the task of Lexical Semantic Change Detection (LSCD), there is a crucial
need for historical word sense-annotated data. Hence, we created a new
reliable diachronic WSD/WSI dataset 'DWUG DE Sense'. We describe the
preparation and annotation and analyze central statistics. We then describe
a thorough evaluation of different prediction systems for jointly solving
both WSI and LSCD tasks. All our systems are based on a state-of-the-art
architecture that combines Word-in-Context models and graph clustering
techniques with different hyperparameter settings. Our findings reveal that
using the WSI task as optimization criterion yields better results for both
tasks even when the LSCD task is the focal point of optimization. This
underscores that although both tasks are related, WSI seems to be more
general and able to incorporate the LSCD task.
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Pages 1-35
Volume 58
Journal name Language Resources and Evaluation
Publisher Springer Nature Switzerland AG (Cham, Switzerland)
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