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Title A Robust 3D Interest Points Detector Based on Harris Operator
Authors Ivan Sipiran (alum), Benjamin Bustos
Publication date 2010
Abstract With the increasing amount of 3D data and the ability of capture devices to
produce low-cost multimedia data, the capability to select relevant
information has become an interesting research field. In 3D objects, the aim
is to detect a few salient structures which can be used, instead of the
whole object, for applications like object registration, retrieval, and mesh
simplification. In this paper, we present an interest points detector for 3D
objects based on Harris operator, which has been used with good results in
computer vision applications. We propose an adaptive technique to determine
the neighborhood of a vertex, over which the Harris response on that vertex
is calculated. Our method is robust to affine transformation(partially for
object rotation) and distortion transformation such as noise addition.
Moreover, the distribution of interest points on the surface of an object
remains similar in transformed objects, which is a desirable behavior in
applications such as shape matching and object registration.
Pages 7-14
Conference name Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval
Publisher Eurographics Association
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