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Title Practical Compressed Document Retrieval
Authors Gonzalo Navarro, Simon Puglisi, Daniel Valenzuela
Publication date 2011
Abstract Recent research on document retrieval for general texts has established
the virtues of explicitly representing the so-called document array,
which stores the document each pointer of the suffix array belongs to.
While it makes document retrieval faster, this array occupies a
significative amount of redundant space and is not easily compressible.
In this paper we present the first practical proposal to compress the
document array. We show that the resulting structure is significatively
smaller than the uncompressed counterpart, and than alternatives to the
document array proposed in the literature. We also compare various known
algorithms for document listing and top-k retrieval,
and find that the most useful combinations of algorithms run over our new
compressed document arrays.
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Pages 193-205
Conference name International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms
Publisher Springer-Verlag (Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany)
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