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Title A Collaborative Mobile Approach for Business Process Elicitation
Authors Nelson Baloian, Gustavo Zurita, Flavia Santoro, Renata Araujo, Sean Wolfgan, Douglas Machado, José A. Pino
Publication date 2011
Abstract Collaborative techniques for business process design
are generally supported by groupware tools that allow process
actors to interact collecting their knowledge about the activities
performed. Despite success reports, challenges are still observed
due to the complexity of this task. We propose to gather benefits
of interviews, collaboration and visual methods in eliciting
business processes in order to deal with problems identified in
literature. We present an approach based on a collaborative
mobile application which analysts should use while interviewing
process stakeholders. The information is collected through a
simple BPMN diagram through which they exchange information
and build parts of the models.
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Pages 473-480
Conference name IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design
Publisher IEEE Computer Society Press (Los Alamitos, CA, USA)