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Title Supporting Engineering Students Learning Wireless Network Planning Using Mobile, Positioning and Web Technologies
Authors Nelson Baloian, Jonathan Frez, Gustavo Zurita, Marcelo Milrad
Publication date 2012
Abstract Teaching and learning the principles of wireless
communication is a challenging issue mainly because it is difficult for
students to translate the theoretical models that are commonly used in this
area into practical knowledge. In order to address this challenge, we
explore how to design and implement novel teaching and learning activities
that integrate the principles of situated learning supported by mobile,
positioning and web technologies. In this paper we present the results of
our on-going efforts in this direction describing the rationale of our
approach, an application
supporting a learning activity designed under this approach and the outcomes
of an evaluation we conducted with 28 engineering students. Obtained results
show that the proposed approach offers
the students new possibilities to combine theoretical and practical
knowledge in a variety of collaborative situations in which mobile
and web technologies played a central role.
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Pages 509-514
Conference name IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
Publisher IEEE Computer Society Press (Los Alamitos, CA, USA)