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Title Do Static Type Systems Improve the Maintainability of Software Systems? An Empirical Study
Authors Sebastian Kleinschmager, Stefan Hanenberg, Romain Robbes, Éric Tanter, Andreas Stefik
Publication date 2012
Abstract Static type systems play an essential role in contemporary
programming languages. Despite their importance, whether static type systems
influence human software development capabilities remains an open question.
One frequently mentioned argument for static type systems is that they
improve the maintainability of software systems ? an often used claim for
which there is no empirical evidence. This paper describes an experiment
which tests whether static type systems improve the maintainability of
software systems. The results show rigorous empirical evidence that static
type are indeed beneficial to these activities, except for fixing semantic
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Pages 153-162
Conference name IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension
Publisher IEEE Computer Society Press (Los Alamitos, CA, USA)
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