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Title Incremental Word Vectors for Time-Evolving Sentiment Lexicon Induction
Authors Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Arun Khanchandani, Bernhard Pfahringer
Publication date 2022
Abstract A sentiment lexicon is a list of expressions annotated
to affect categories such as positive, negative, anger and fear. Lexicons
are widely used in sentiment classification of tweets, especially when
labeled messages are scarce. Sentiment lexicons are prone to obsolescence
due to: 1) the arrival of new sentiment-conveying expressions such as
#trumpwall and #PrayForParis and 2) temporal changes in sentiment patterns
of words (e.g., a scandal associated with an entity). In this paper, we
propose a methodology for automatically inducing continuously updated
sentiment lexicons from Twitter streams by training incremental word
sentiment classifiers from time-evolving distributional word vectors. We
experiment with various sketching techniques for efficiently building
incremental word context matrices and study how the lexicon adapts to
drastic changes in the sentiment pattern. Change is simulated by randomly
picking some words from a testing partition of words and swapping their
context with the context of words exhibiting the opposite sentiment. Our
experimental results show that our approach allows for successfully tracking
of the sentiment of words over time even when drastic change is
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Pages 425-441
Volume 14
Journal name Cognitive Computation
Publisher Springer Nature Switzerland AG (Cham, Switzerland)
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