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Title Language Modeling on Location-Based Social Networks
Authors Juglar Díaz, Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Bárbara Poblete
Publication date 2022
Abstract The popularity of mobile devices with GPS capabilities,
with the worldwide adoption of social media, have created a rich source of
text data combined with spatio-temporal information. Text data collected
from location-based social networks can be used to gain space–time
insights into human behavior and provide a view of time and space from the
social media lens. From a data modeling perspective, text, time, and space
have different scales and representation approaches; hence, it is not
trivial to jointly represent them in a unified model. Existing approaches do
not capture the sequential structure present in texts or the patterns that
drive how text is generated considering the spatio-temporal context at
different levels of granularity. In this work, we present a neural language
model architecture that allows us to represent time and space as context for
text generation at different granularities. We define the task of modeling
text, timestamps, and geo-coordinates as a spatio-temporal conditioned
language model task. This task definition allows us to employ the same
evaluation methodology used in language modeling, which is a traditional
natural language processing task that considers the sequential structure of
texts. We conduct experiments over two datasets collected from
location-based social networks, Twitter and Foursquare. Our experimental
results show that each dataset has particular patterns for language
generation under spatio-temporal conditions at different granularities. In
addition, we present qualitative analyses to show how the proposed model can
be used to characterize urban places.
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Pages article 147
Volume 11
Journal name ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Publisher Molecular Diversity Preservation International (Basel, Switzerland)
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