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Title Fixed-Radius Near Neighbors Searching for 2D Simulations on the GPU using Delaunay Triangulations
Authors Heinich Porro, Benoit Crespin, Nancy Hitschfeld, Cristobal Navarro
Publication date 2022
Abstract We propose to explore a GPU solution to the fixed-radius
nearest-neighbor problem in 2D based on Delaunay triangulations.
This problem is crucial for many particle-based simulation techniques for
collision detection or momentum exchange between
particles. Our method computes the neighborhood of each particle at each
iteration without neighbor lists or grids, using a
Delaunay triangulation whose consistency is preserved by edge flipping. We
study how this approach compares to a grid-based
implementation on a flocking simulation with variable parameters.
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Pages 2
Conference name Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics
Publisher Eurographics Association