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Title Cross-Lingual and Cross-Domain Crisis Classification for Low-Resource Scenarios
Authors Cinthia Sánchez, Hernán Sarmiento, Andrés Abeliuk, Jorge Pérez, Bárbara Poblete
Publication date 2023
Abstract Social media data has emerged as a useful source of timely
information about real-world crisis events. One of the main tasks related to
the use of social media for disaster management is the automatic
identification of crisis-related messages. Most of the studies on this topic
have focused on the analysis of data for a particular type of event in a
specific language. This limits the possibility of generalizing existing
approaches because models cannot be directly applied to new types of events
or other languages. In this work, we study the task of automatically
classifying messages that are related to crisis events by leveraging
cross-language and cross-domain labeled data. Our goal is to make use of
labeled data from high-resource languages to classify messages from other
(low-resource) languages and/or of new (previously unseen) types of crisis
situations. For our study we consolidated from the literature a large
unified dataset containing multiple crisis events and languages. Our
empirical findings show that it is indeed possible to leverage data from
crisis events in English to classify the same type of event in other
languages, such as Spanish and Italian (80.0% F1-score). Furthermore, we
achieve good performance for the cross-domain task (80.0% F1-score) in a
cross-lingual setting. Overall, our work contributes to improving the data
scarcity problem that is so important for multilingual crisis
classification. In particular, mitigating cold-start situations in emergency
events, when time is of essence.
Conference name International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media
Publisher Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (
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