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Title Repetitive Patterns Recognition in Textures of Ancient Peruvian Pottery
Authors Sebastian Sepulveda, Benjamin Bustos, Iván Sipirán
Publication date December 2024
Abstract We present a study and comparison of computer vision
methods for
the task of finding repetitive motifs in ancient Peruvian pottery. Under
this context, the main difficulties for solving the task are that the motifs
are in most cases highly repetitive, that the motifs corresponding to the
same pattern are slightly different due to be hand-drawn, and that the
amount of data available for training and testing purposes is scarce. We
evaluate and compare several techniques: Template Matching, Segment Anything
Model, Mask R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, RetinaNet, and YoloV8-s. We conclude that
YoloV8-s and RetinaNet are the most effective techniques for the task, but
the effectiveness for zero-shot detection is low for all evaluated
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Pages article 55
Volume 17
Journal name ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
Publisher ACM Press (New York, NY, USA)