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Title Space-Efficient Data Structures for the Inference of Subsumption and Disjointness Relations
Authors José Fuentes-Sepúlveda, Diego Gatica, Gonzalo Navarro, M. Andrea Rodríguez, Diego Seco
Publication date 2025
Abstract Conventional database systems function as static data repositories, storing vast amounts of facts and offering efficient query processing capabilities. The sheer volume of data these systems store has a direct impact on their scalability, both in terms of storage space and query processing time. Deductive database systems, on the other hand, require far less storage space since they derive new knowledge by applying inference rules. The challenge is how to efficiently obtain the required derivations, compared to having them in explicit form. In this study, we concentrate on a set of predefined inference rules for subsumption and disjointness relations, including their negations. We use compact data structures to store the facts and provide algorithms to support each type of relation, minimizing even further the storage space requirements. Our experimental findings demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, which not only saves space but is often faster than a baseline that uses well-known graph traversal algorithms implemented on top of a traditional adjacency list representation to derive the relations.
Pages 195-219
Volume 55
Journal name Software: Practice and Experience
Publisher John Wiley & Sons (Hoboken, NJ, USA)
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