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Title Mobile Computing in Urban Emergency Situations: Improving the Support to Firefighters in the Field
Authors Álvaro Monares, Sergio Ochoa, José A. Pino, Valeria Herskovic, Andrés Neyem
Publication date February 2011
Abstract Communication support is a serious limitation for Latin American
firefighters when they deal with
emergency situations. The insufficient number of radio channels and
the impossibility to deliver digital
information force firemen to improvise during response processes,
e.g., to make decisions using their
experience and poor or null supporting information. These improvised
actions affect the time required
to take control of an emergency, and also affect the evolution of the
crisis situation. Provided most of
Latin American fire companies are volunteer organizations,
communication solutions that could help
to overcome these problems are usually expensive for them. This
article presents a low-cost mobile
collaborative application, which may be used in emergency situations
to overcome most of the firefighters'
communication problems. The application, named MobileMap, is the
result of the research and development
work conducted by the authors, supported by a Chilean fire company,
during the last three years.
MobileMap allows ad hoc communication, decisions support and
collaboration among firefighters in the
field using mobile devices. This solution complements the radio
communication systems. Since the interactions
supported by MobileMap are recorded, it is possible to analyze such
information after the crisis
and learn for future emergencies. The tool was evaluated in simulated
and real scenarios, and the
obtained results are highly encouraging.
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Pages 1255-1267
Volume 38
Journal name Expert Systems with Applications
Publisher Elsevier Science (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)