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Title The Iceberg Effect: Behind the User Interface of Mobile Collaborative Systems
Authors Valeria Herskovic, Sergio Ochoa, José A. Pino, Andrés Neyem
Publication date 2011
Abstract Advances in mobile technologies are opening new possibilities to support
collaborative activities through mobile devices. Unfortunately, mobile
collaborative systems have been difficult to conceive, design and implement.
These difficulties are caused in part by their unclear requirements and
developers? lack of experience with this type of systems. However, several
requirements involved in the collaborative back-end of these products are
recurrent and should be considered in every development. This paper
introduces a characterization of mobile collaboration and a framework that
specifies a list of general requirements to be considered during the
conception and design of a system in order to increase its probability of
success. This framework was used in the development of two mobile
collaborative systems, providing developers with a base of back-end
requirements to aid system
design and implementation. The systems were positively evaluated by their
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Pages 183-202
Volume 17
Journal name Journal of Universal Computer Science
Publisher Graz University of Technology (Graz, Austria)
Reference URL View reference page