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Title Increasing Shared Information Availability During Urban Emergency Responses
Authors Álvaro Monares, Valeria Herskovic, David Suarez, Manuel Ibarra, Sergio Ochoa, José A. Pino
Publication date 2011
Abstract Firefighters are responsible for dealing with several
types of urban emergencies, such as fires, car crashes and
explosions. The participants in an emergency response process
require shared information to make effective, on-time decisions,
and to coordinate their activities. The information sharing
process is currently performed using message exchange through
a radio system. However, limitations in this communication
medium jeopardize information availability during the
emergency. This may produce undesirable situations, such as
lack of coordination among firefighters or wrong decisions due to
lack of supporting information. As a way to deal with the
problem, this article proposes a computer-based system, which
complements the radio system. The system helps increase the
availability of the information that is most frequently requested
by firefighters in the field, identified by a study of 65 past
emergencies. The results of a preliminary evaluation indicate the
solution is able to ensure the availability of at least the 30% of the
most requested information during an emergency.
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Pages 677-684
Conference name IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design
Publisher IEEE Computer Society Press (Los Alamitos, CA, USA)