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Title A Scalable Log Differencing Visualisation Applied to COBOL Refactoring
Authors CĂ©line Deknop, Kim Mens, Alexandre Bergel, Johan Fabry, Vadim Zaytsev
Publication date 2021
Abstract Large code refactoring projects can consist of hundreds of
refactoring rules that are applied iteratively to make code easier to
maintain. Visualising the refactoring process can help engineers and
stakeholders understand how chains of refactorings were applied and to gain
more confidence in the produced result. An apparently suitable existing
visualisation using log-based behavioural differencing suffers from
scalability issues when applied to industrial-size cases. We propose an
adapted visualisation tool that highlights those parts that really changed
in-between iterations of a large refactoring process and collapses those
parts that remain stable. We show that our alternative visualisation scales
well on large logs of a process with many possible refactoring chains, of
which significant parts are shared. Consequently, it allows engineers and
stakeholders to quickly answer relevant questions about what happened during
the refactoring process.
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Pages 1-11
Conference name IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
Publisher IEEE Computer Society Press (Los Alamitos, CA, USA)
Reference URL View reference page