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Title Can Monk Parakeets compare quantities faster and/or better than Humans? A Research Proposal
Authors Jérémy Barbay, Fabián Jaña-Ubal
Publication date 2022
Abstract When comparing two sets of objects, one can compare their
cardinalities, or map one set to the other. Which of the two comparison
methods an individual (human or not) is using depends of the cardinalities
compared and of whether the representation is well known or not. While the
discrimination ability is well documented for various species, less
information is available on their discrimination mode. How can one measure
the discrimination ability and mode of individuals? We propose to design,
implement and test a Digital Life Enrichment application requesting subjects
to select the maximum of a set of values while measuring the answering time
of the subject; and to decide the mode of comparison used by comparing how
those answering time vary with the numeric representations (symbolic or
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Conference name International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction
Publisher ACM Press (New York, NY, USA)
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