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Title A Mobile Collaborative Visual System to Support Knowledge Creation
Authors Nelson Baloian, Gustavo Zurita, Gabriel Peña
Publication date 2009
Abstract Knowledge Management (KM) is a critical activity inside organizations. It has been said to be a differentiating factor and an important source of competitiveness. An important part of the knowledge asset an organization has is tacit knowledge, which is knowledge that is not formalized yet and is difficult to share. KM supporting systems help people inside an organization to convert this tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge and to share it. This paper presents the design, implementation, and preliminary tests of a KM system called MCKC, for Mobile Collaborative Knowledge Creation, supporting face-to-face knowledge creation and sharing in mobile scenarios, allowing people to create, make explicit and share their knowledge with their co-workers, using visual metaphors, gestures and sketches to implement the human-computer interface.
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Conference name ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
Publisher ACM Press (New York, NY, USA)