

Picture of Sergio Ochoa

Publications of Sergio Ochoa

(if a year does not appear in the list, it is because there are no records for that particular year)

Year 2023

1. Modeling Interactions Happening in People-Driven Collaborative Processes.
Editors: Giancarlo Fortino, David Kaber, Andreas Nürnberger, David Mendonça. Book title: Handbook of Human-Machine Systems. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons. Pages: 95-103. Date: July 2023.
Authors: Maximiliano Canche, Sergio Ochoa, Daniel Perovich, Rodrigo Santos
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2. Determining Real-Time Communication Feasibility in IoT Systems Supported by LoRaWAN.
Journal: Sensors. Volume: 23. Issue: 9. Pages: Article 4281. Date: April 2023.
Authors: Mariano Finochietto, Paula Zabala, Sergio Ochoa, Roc Meseguer, Rodrigo Santos
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3. Coordination and Awareness Mechanisms to Support Collaboration in Project-based Software Engineering Courses.
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press. Pages: 721-726. Date: 2023.
Authors: Maira Marques, Roc Meseguer, Sergio Ochoa, Luis Silvestre
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4. Understanding the Pre-Contract Process of Small Software Projects.
Conference: International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (San Francisco, CA, USA). Publisher: KSI Research Inc. Pages: article 16. Date: 2023.
Authors: Anelis Pereira-Vale, Daniel Perovich, Sergio Ochoa
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5. Software Defined Wireless Networks with Real-time Constraints.
Conference: Latin-American Symposium on Dependable and Secure Computing (La Paz, Bolivia). Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: 226-229. Date: 2023.
Authors: Andrés Llinás, Matías Micheletto, Sergio Ochoa, Rodrigo Santos
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