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Title Adapting Metric Indexes for Searching in Multi-metric Spaces
Authors Benjamin Bustos, Sebastián Kreft, Tomas Skopal
Publication date June 2012
Abstract An important research issue in multimedia databases is the
retrieval of similar objects. For most applications in multimedia databases,
an exact search is not meaningful. Thus, much effort has been devoted to
develop efficient and effective similarity search techniques. A recent
approach that has been shown to improve the effectiveness of similarity
search in multimedia databases resorts to the usage of combinations of
metrics (i.e., a search on a multi-metric space). In this approach, the
desirable contribution (weight) of each metric is chosen at query time. It
follows that standard metric indexes cannot be directly used to improve the
efficiency of dynamically weighted queries, because they assume that there
is only one fixed distance function at indexing and query time. This paper
presents a methodology for adapting metric indexes to multi-metric indexes,
that is, to support similarity queries with dynamic combinations of metric
functions. The adapted indexes are built with a single distance function and
store partial distances to estimate the dynamically weighed distances. We
present two novel indexes for multimetric space indexing, which are the
result of the application of the proposed methodology.
Downloaded 8 times
Pages 467-496
Volume 58
Journal name Multimedia Tools and Applications
Publisher Springer (New York, NY, USA)