

Publications of Aidan Hogan

(if a year does not appear in the list, it is because there are no records for that particular year)

Year 2024

1. The Ring: Worst-Case Optimal Joins in Graph Databases using (Almost) No Extra Space.
Journal: Transactions on Database Systems. Volume: 49. Issue: 2. Pages: Article 5. Date: 2024.
Authors: Diego Arroyuelo, Adrián Gómez-Brandón, Aidan Hogan, Gonzalo Navarro, Juan Reutter, Javiel Rojas-Ledesma, Adrián Soto
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2. Optimizing RPQs over a Compact Graph Representation.
Journal: The VLDB Journal. Volume: 33. Pages: 349-374. Date: 2024.
Authors: Diego Arroyuelo, Adrián Gómez-Brandón, Aidan Hogan, Gonzalo Navarro, Javiel Rojas-Ledesma
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3. Worst-Case-Optimal Similarity Joins on Graph Databases.
Volume: 2. Issue: 1. Pages: Article 39. Date: 2024.
Authors: Diego Arroyuelo, Benjamin Bustos, Adrián Gómez-Brandón, Aidan Hogan, Gonzalo Navarro, Juan Reutter
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4. MillenniumDB: A Multi-modal, Multi-model Graph Database.
Conference: SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: 496-499. Date: 2024.
Authors: Domagoj Vrgoc, Carlos Rojas, Renzo Angles, Marcelo Arenas, Vicente Calisto, Benjamín Farías, Sebastian Ferrada, Tristan Heuer, Aidan Hogan, Gonzalo Navarro, Alexander Pinto, Juan Reutter, Henry Rosales-Méndez, Etienne Toussiant
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