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A publications repository from the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile

Latest publications

1021. A Practical Monadic Aspect Weaver.
Conference: Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (Potsdam, Germany). Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: 21-26. Date: 2012.
Authors: Ismael Figueroa, Éric Tanter, Nicolas Tabareau
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1022. Sorted Range Reporting.
Editors: Fedor Fomin. Conference: Scandinavian Symposium on Algorithm Theory (Helsinki, Finland). Publisher: Springer-Verlag. Pages: 271-282. Date: 2012.
Authors: Yakov Nekrich, Gonzalo Navarro
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1023. A Self-Replication Algorithm to Flexibly Match Execution Traces.
Conference: Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (Potsdam, Germany). Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: 27-32. Date: 2012.
Authors: Paul Leger, Éric Tanter
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1024. Counting Beyond a Yottabyte, or how SPARQL 1.1 Property Paths will Prevent Adoption of the Standard.
Editors: Michael Rabinovich, Steffen Staab. Conference: International World Wide Web Conference (Lyon, France). Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: 629-638. Date: 2012.
Authors: Marcelo Arenas, Sebastián Conca, Jorge Pérez
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1025. Wavelet Trees for All.
Editors: Juha Karkkainen, Jens Stoye. Conference: Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (Helsinki, Finland). Publisher: Springer-Verlag. Pages: 2-26. Date: 2012.
Authors: Gonzalo Navarro
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1026. Taming Aspects with Membranes.
Conference: Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (Potsdam, Germany). Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: 3-8. Date: 2012.
Authors: Éric Tanter, Nicolas Tabareau, Rémi Douence
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1027. PHANtom: An Aspect Language for Pharo Smalltalk.
Editors: Éric Tanter, Kevin Sullivan. Conference: International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (Potsdam, Germany). Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: 31-32. Date: 2012.
Authors: Johan Fabry
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1028. Structuring Dimensions for Collaborative Systems Evaluation.
Journal: ACM Computing Surveys. Volume: 44. Issue: 2. Pages: Article 8. Date: February 2012.
Authors: Pedro Antunes, Valeria Herskovic, Sergio Ochoa, José A. Pino
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1029. Aspectizing Java Access Control.
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Volume: 38. Issue: 1. Pages: 101-117. Date: January 2012.
Authors: Rodolfo Toledo, Angel Núñez, Éric Tanter, Jacques Noyé
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1030. New Algorithms on Wavelet Trees and Applications to Information Retrieval.
Journal: Theoretical Computer Science. Volume: 426-427. Pages: 25-41. Date: 2012.
Authors: Travis Gagie, Gonzalo Navarro, Simon Puglisi
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