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A publications repository from the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile

Latest publications

1031. D-cache: Universal Distance Cache for Metric Access Methods.
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Volume: 24. Issue: 5. Pages: 868-881. Date: May 2012.
Authors: Tomas Skopal, Jakub Lokoc, Benjamin Bustos
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1032. Improving 3D Similarity Search by Enhancing and Combining 3D Descriptors.
Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications. Volume: 58. Issue: 1. Pages: 81-108. Date: May 2012.
Authors: Benjamin Bustos, Tobias Schreck, Michael Walter, Juan Manuel Barrios, Matthias Schaefer, Daniel Keim
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1033. Some Thoughts on A. H. Louies More Than Life Itself: A Reflection on Formal Systems and Biology.
Journal: Axiomathes. Volume: 21. Pages: 439-454. Date: July 2011.
Authors: Claudio Gutierrez, Jorge Soto-Andrade, Sebastian Jaramillo
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1034. Is it Safe to Adopt the Scrum Process Model?.
Journal: CLEI Electronic Journal. Volume: 14. Issue: 3. Pages: paper 7. Date: 2011.
Authors: Julio Ariel Hurtado Alegría, Cecilia Bastarrica, Alexandre Bergel
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1035. Harris 3D: A Robust Extension of the Harris Operator for Interest Point Detection on 3D Meshes.
Journal: The Visual Computer. Volume: 27. Issue: 11. Pages: 963-976. Date: 2011.
Authors: Ivan Sipiran (alum), Benjamin Bustos
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1036. On Nonmetric Similarity Search Problems in Complex Domains.
Journal: ACM Computing Surveys. Volume: 43. Issue: 4. Pages: 34:1-50. Date: 2011.
Authors: Tomas Skopal, Benjamin Bustos
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1037. Access Control in JavaScript.
Journal: IEEE Software. Volume: 28. Issue: 5. Pages: 76-84. Date: 2011.
Authors: Rodolfo Toledo, Éric Tanter
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1038. On porting software visualization tools to the web.
Journal: Software Tools for Technology Transfer. Volume: 13. Issue: 2. Pages: 181-200. Date: April 2011.
Authors: Marco D'Ambros, Michele Lanza, Mircea Lungu, Romain Robbes
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1039. Supporting Aspect Oriented Requirements Engineering for Large Documents.
Journal: SADIO Electronic Journal of Informatics and Operations Research. Volume: 10. Issue: 1. Pages: 38. Date: 2011.
Authors: Arturo Zambrano, Julian Rousselot, Johan Fabry, Silvia Gordillo
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1040. Self-Indexed Grammar-Based Compression.
Journal: Fundamenta Informaticae. Volume: 111. Issue: 3. Pages: 313-337. Date: 2011.
Authors: Francisco Claude, Gonzalo Navarro
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