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A publications repository from the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile

Latest publications

1041. Adaptive Simplification of Huge Sets of Terrain Grid Data for Geosciences Applications.
Journal: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Volume: 236. Pages: 1410-1422. Date: 2011.
Authors: Narcís Coll, Marité Guerrieri, María Cecilia Rivara, J. Antoni Sellarès
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1042. Query Languages for Data Exchange: Beyond Unions of Conjunctive Queries.
Journal: Theory of Computing Systems. Volume: 49. Issue: 4. Pages: 489-564. Date: July 2011.
Authors: Marcelo Arenas, Pablo Barceló, Juan Reutter
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1043. Regular Languages of Nested Words: Fixed Points, Automata, and Synchronization.
Journal: Theory of Computing Systems. Volume: 49. Issue: 3. Pages: 639-670. Date: 2011.
Authors: Marcelo Arenas, Pablo Barceló, Leonid Libkin
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1044. A Patterns System to Coordinate Mobile Collaborative Applications.
Journal: Group Decision and Negotiation. Volume: 20. Issue: 5. Pages: 563-592. Date: 2011.
Authors: Andrés Neyem, Sergio Ochoa, José A. Pino
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1045. Fully-Compressed Suffix Trees.
Journal: ACM Transactions on Algorithms. Volume: 7. Issue: 4. Pages: Article 53. Date: 2011.
Authors: Luís Russo, Gonzalo Navarro, Arlindo Oliveira
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1046. Succinct Indexes for Strings, Binary Relations and Multilabeled Trees.
Journal: ACM Transactions on Algorithms. Volume: 7. Issue: 4. Pages: Article 52. Date: 2011.
Authors: Jérémy Barbay, Meng He, Ian Munro, Srinivasa Rao Satti
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1047. On-line Approximate String Matching with Bounded Errors.
Journal: Theoretical Computer Science. Volume: 412. Issue: 45. Pages: 6359-6370. Date: 2011.
Authors: Marcos Kiwi, Gonzalo Navarro, Claudio Telha
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1048. FlowTalk: Language Support for Long-Latency Operations in Embedded Devices.
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Volume: 37. Issue: 4. Pages: 526-543. Date: July 2011.
Authors: Alexandre Bergel, William Harrison, Vinny Cahill, Siobhan Clarke
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1049. Jacobian-based Repair Method for Finite Element Meshes after Registration.
Journal: Engineering with Computers. Volume: 27. Issue: 3. Pages: 285-297. Date: 2011.
Authors: Claudio Lobos, Marek Bucki, Yohan Payan, Nancy Hitschfeld
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1050. Stronger Quickheaps.
Journal: International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. Volume: 22. Issue: 4. Pages: 945-969. Date: 2011.
Authors: Gonzalo Navarro, Rodrigo Paredes, Patricio Poblete, Peter Sanders
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