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A publications repository from the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile

Latest publications

221. Anonymity and Asynchronicity as Key Design Dimensions for the Reciprocity of Online Democratic Deliberation.
Journal: International Journal of Applied Philosophy. Volume: 34. Issue: 2. Pages: 183-200. Date: 2020.
Authors: Leandro de Brasi, Claudio Gutierrez
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222. Minding the AI Gap in LATAM.
Journal: Communications of the ACM. Volume: 63. Issue: 11. Pages: 61-63. Date: November 2020.
Authors: Bárbara Poblete, Jorge Pérez
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223. Optimal-Time Dictionary-Compressed Indexes.
Journal: ACM Transactions on Algorithms. Volume: 17. Issue: 1. Pages: Article 8. Date: 2020.
Authors: Anders Roy Christiansen, Mikko Berggren Ettienne, Tomasz Kociumaka, Gonzalo Navarro, Nicola Prezza
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224. Investigating the Impact of the Estimation Error of Fracture Intensity (P 32 ) on the Evaluation of In-situ Rock Fragmentation and Potential of Blocks Forming around Tunnels.
Journal: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. Volume: 106. Pages: Article 103596. Date: December 2020.
Authors: Amin Hekmatnejad, Benoit Crespin, Alvaro Opazo, Xavier Emery, Nancy Hitschfeld, Davide Elmo
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225. Versioned Queries over RDF Archives: All You Need is SPARQL?.
Editors: Fabrizio Orlandi, Damien Graux, Maria-Esther Vidal, Javier D. Fernández, Jeremy Debattista. Conference: Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web (Virtual Event). Publisher: CEUR Publications. Pages: 43-52. Date: 2020.
Authors: Ignacio Cuevas, Aidan Hogan
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226. Fuzzing to Estimate Gas Costs of Ethereum Contracts.
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (Adelaide, Australia). Publisher: IEEE Press. Pages: 687-691. Date: 2020.
Authors: Daniel Soto, Alexandre Bergel, Alejandro Hevia
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227. Interactive Role Stereotype-Based Visualization To Comprehend Software Architecture.
Conference: IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (Online). Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press. Pages: 122-132. Date: 2020.
Authors: Truong Ho-Quang, Alexandre Bergel, Arif Nurwidyantoro, Rodi Jolak, Michel Chaudron
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228. TestEvoViz: Visual Introspection for Genetically-Based Test Coverage Evolution.
Conference: IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (Online). Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press. Pages: 1-11. Date: 2020.
Authors: Andreina Cota Vidaure, Evelyn Cusi Lopez, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alexandre Bergel
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229. Model Interpretability through the lens of Computational Complexity.
Conference: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (Vancouver (Online)). Date: 2020.
Authors: Pablo Barceló, Mikael Monet, Jorge Pérez, Bernardo Subercaseaux
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230. Semi-automated Annotation of Repetitive Ornaments on 3D Painted Pottery Surfaces.
Conference: Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (Granada, Spain). Publisher: Eurographics Association. Pages: article 2020128. Date: 2020.
Authors: Stefan Lengauer, Alexander Komar, Stephan Karl, Elisabeth Trinkl, Iván Sipirán, Tobias Schreck, Reinhold Preiner
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