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A publications repository from the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile

Latest publications

191. Detecting Polarized Topics Using Partisanship-aware Contextualized Topic Embeddings.
Conference: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Punta Cana, Dominican Republic). Publisher: Association for Computational Linguistic. Pages: 2102-2118. Date: 2021.
Authors: Zihao He, Negar Mokhberian, Antonio Câmara, Andrés Abeliuk, Kristina Lerman
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192. Implementing Secure Reporting of Sexual Misconduct - Revisiting WhoToo.
Conference: International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America (Bogotá, Colombia). Publisher: Springer-Verlag. Pages: 341-362. Date: 2021.
Authors: Alejandro Hevia, Ilana Mergudich-Thal
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193. Do Comments follow Commenting Conventions? A Case Study in Java and Python.
Conference: IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (virtual). Publisher: IEEE Press. Pages: 165-169. Date: 2021.
Authors: Pooja Rani, Suada Abukar, Nataliia Stulova, Alexandre Bergel, Oscar Nierstrasz
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194. A Scalable Log Differencing Visualisation Applied to COBOL Refactoring.
Conference: IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (Virtual). Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press. Pages: 1-11. Date: 2021.
Authors: Céline Deknop, Kim Mens, Alexandre Bergel, Johan Fabry, Vadim Zaytsev
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195. Auditing Algorithmic Bias on Twitter.
Conference: ACM Web Science Conference (Virtual Event, United Kingdom). Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: 65-73. Date: 2021.
Authors: Nathan Bartley, Andrés Abeliuk, Emilio Ferrara, Kristina Lerman
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196. Computing the Depth Distribution of a Set of Boxes.
Journal: Theoretical Computer Science. Volume: 883. Pages: 69-82. Date: June 2021.
Authors: Jérémy Barbay, Pablo Pérez-Lantero, Javiel Rojas-Ledesma
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197. A Benchmark Dataset for Repetitive Pattern Recognitionon Textured 3D Surfaces.
Journal: Computer Graphics Forum. Volume: 40. Issue: 5. Pages: 1-8. Date: 2021.
Authors: Stefan Lengauer, Iván Sipirán, Reinhold Preiner, Tobias Schreck, Benjamin Bustos
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198. Data Science for Engineers: A Teaching Ecosystem.
Journal: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. Volume: 38. Issue: 3. Pages: 144-153. Date: May 2021.
Authors: Felipe Tobar, Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Jocelyn Duntan, Joaquín Fontbona, Alejandro Maass, Daniel Remenik, Jorge F. Silva
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199. An Index for Moving Objects with Constant-Time Access to their Compressed Trajectories.
Journal: International Journal of Geographical Information Science. Volume: 35. Pages: 1392-1424. Date: 2021.
Authors: Nieves Brisaboa, Adrián Gómez-Brandón, Travis Gagie, Gonzalo Navarro, José Paramá
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200. LoRaMoto: A Communication System to Provide Safety Awareness among Civilians after an Earthquake.
Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems. Volume: 115. Pages: 150-170. Date: February 2021.
Authors: Roger Pueyo, Roc Meseguer, Felix Freitag, Leandro Navarro, Sergio Ochoa, Rodrigo Santos
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