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A publications repository from the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile

Latest publications

111. Evaluating Cancer and Stroke Risk Scoring Online Tools.
Conference: Online Workshop on Collaborative Technologies and Data Science in Smart City Applications. Publisher: Logos Verlag. Pages: 106-111. Date: 2022.
Authors: Nelson Baloian, Wolfram Luther, Sergio Peñafiel, Gustavo Zurita
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112. Identifying Interaction and Awareness Services in Mobile Collaborative Applications.
Conference: Human-Computer Interaction International (Virtual conference). Publisher: Springer-Verlag. Pages: 3-16. Date: 2022.
Authors: Maximiliano Canche, Sergio Ochoa, Daniel Perovich
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113. A Model for Infusing Computational Thinking Skills at Teacher Colleges in a Developing Country.
Conference: Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (Morscharch, Switzerland). Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: article 17. Date: 2022.
Authors: Jocelyn Simmonds, Francisco Gutierrez, Nancy Hitschfeld, Catalina Torrent, Cecilia Casanova, Sebastián Toro-Guajardo, Valentín Muñoz
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114. Sales Goals Planning using Evidence Regression.
Conference: Online Workshop on Collaborative Technologies and Data Science in Smart City Applications. Publisher: Logos Verlag. Pages: 112-120. Date: 2022.
Authors: Nelson Baloian, Belisario Panay, Sergio Peñafiel, José Pino, Jonathan Frez, Cristóbal Fuenzalida
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115. Near-Optimal Search Time in delta-Optimal Space.
Conference: International Symposium of Latin American Theoretical Informatics (Guanajuato, Mexico). Publisher: Springer-Verlag. Pages: 88-103. Date: 2022.
Authors: Tomasz Kociumaka, Gonzalo Navarro, Francisco Olivares
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116. Balancing Run-Length Straight-Line Programs.
Conference: International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (Concepcion, Chile). Publisher: Springer-Verlag. Pages: 117-131. Date: 2022.
Authors: Gonzalo Navarro, Francisco Olivares, Cristian Urbina
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117. Simple Yet Powerful: An Overlooked Architecture for Nested Named Entity Recognition.
Conference: International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Publisher: Association for Computational Linguistic. Pages: 2108-2117. Date: 2022.
Authors: Matías Rojas, Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Jocelyn Dunstan
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118. Understanding the Suitability of Modeling Languages and Notations to Represent Computer-Mediated Interaction Scenarios.
Conference: International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (Virtual conference). Publisher: Springer International Publishing AG. Pages: 677-686. Date: 2022.
Authors: Maximiliano Canche, Sergio Ochoa, Daniel Perovich
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119. Data-Driven Restoration of Digital Archaeological Pottery with Point Cloud Analysis.
Journal: International Journal of Computer Vision. Volume: 130. Issue: 9. Pages: 2149-2165. Date: September 2022.
Authors: Iván Sipirán, Alexis Mendoza, Alexander Apaza, Cristian Lopez
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120. A Reasonably Gradual Type Theory.
Journal: Proceedings of the ACM Programming Languages. Volume: 6. Issue: ICFP. Pages: 931-959. Date: August 2022.
Authors: Kenji Maillard, Meven Lennon-Bertrand, Nicolas Tabareau, Éric Tanter
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