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A publications repository from the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile

Latest publications

131. Grammar Compression by Induced Suffix Sorting.
Journal: ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics. Volume: 27. Pages: Article 1.1. Date: 2022.
Authors: Daniel S. N. Nunes, Felipe A. Louza, Simon Gog, Mauricio Ayala-Rincón, Gonzalo Navarro
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132. Improving Matrix-vector Multiplication via Lossless Grammar-Compressed Matrices.
Journal: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. Volume: 15. Issue: 10. Pages: 2175-2187. Date: 2022.
Authors: Paolo Ferragina, Giovanni Manzini, Travis Gagie, Dominik Koppl, Gonzalo Navarro, Manuel Striani, Francesco Tosoni
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133. Slicing of Probabilistic Programs based on Specifications.
Journal: Science of Computer Programming. Volume: 220. Pages: 102822. Date: 2022.
Authors: Marcelo Navarro, Federico Olmedo
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134. POLYLLA: Polygonal Meshing Algorithm based on Terminal-Edge Regions.
Journal: Engineering with Computers. Date: March 2022.
Authors: sergio salinas, Nancy Hitschfeld, Alejandro Ortiz-Bernardin, hang si
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135. Squeeze: Efficient Compact Fractals for Tensor Core GPUs.
Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems. Volume: 135. Issue: 2022. Pages: 10-19. Date: May 2022.
Authors: Felipe Quezada, Cristobal Navarro, Nancy Hitschfeld, Benjamin Bustos
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136. A Practical Succinct Dynamic Graph Representation.
Journal: Information and Computation. Volume: 285B. Pages: Article 104862. Date: 2022.
Authors: Miguel E. Coimbra, Joana Hrotkó, Alexandre P. Francisco, Luís M. S. Russo, Guillermo de Bernardo, Susana Ladra, Gonzalo Navarro
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137. Faster Repetition-Aware Compressed Suffix Trees based on Block Trees.
Journal: Information and Computation. Volume: 285B. Pages: Article 104749. Date: 2022.
Authors: Manuel Cáceres, Gonzalo Navarro
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138. Plausible Sealing for Gradual Parametricity.
Journal: Proceedings of the ACM Programming Languages. Volume: 6. Issue: OOPSLA1. Pages: 70:1-70:28. Date: April 2022.
Authors: Elizabeth Labrada, Matías Toro, Éric Tanter, Dominique Devriese
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139. Cultural, Scientific and Technical Antecedents of the Cybersyn Project in Chile.
Journal: AI & SOCIETY. Date: 2022.
Authors: Juan Alvarez, Claudio Gutierrez
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140. The Compression Power of the BWT.
Journal: Communications of the ACM. Volume: 65. Issue: 6. Pages: 90. Date: 2022.
Authors: Gonzalo Navarro
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