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A publications repository from the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile

Latest publications

1271. Cooperative Visualization of Cryptographic Protocols Using Concept Keyboards.
Journal: International Journal of Engeneering Education. Volume: 25. Issue: 4. Pages: 745-754. Date: August 2009.
Authors: Nelson Baloian, Wolfram Luther
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1272. Lepp-Bisection Algorithms, Applications and Mathematical Properties.
Journal: Applied Numerical Mathematics. Volume: 59. Issue: 9. Pages: 2218-2235. Date: September 2009.
Authors: María Cecilia Rivara
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1273. Speeding up Spatial Approximation Search in Metric Spaces.
Journal: ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics. Volume: 14. Pages: Article 3.6. Date: August 2009.
Authors: Karina Figueroa, Edgar Chávez, Gonzalo Navarro, Rodrigo Paredes
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1274. Mirror-based Reflection in AmbientTalk.
Journal: Software: Practice and Experience. Volume: 39. Issue: 7. Pages: 661-699. Date: May 2009.
Authors: Stijn Mostinckx, Tom Van Cutsem, Stijn Timbermont, Elisa Gonzalez Boix, Éric Tanter, Wolfgang De Meuter
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1275. Infrastructure for Domain-Specific Aspect Languages: The ReLAx Case Study.
Journal: IET Software. Volume: 3. Issue: 3. Pages: 238-254. Date: June 2009.
Authors: Johan Fabry, Éric Tanter, Theo D'Hondt
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1276. A Transformational Model for Organizational Memory Systems Management with Privacy Concerns.
Journal: Information Sciences. Volume: 179. Issue: 15. Pages: 2643-2655. Date: July 2009.
Authors: Sergio Ochoa, Valeria Herskovic, Edgard Pineda, José A. Pino
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1277. Supporting Composition of Structural Aspects in an AOP Kernel.
Journal: Journal of Universal Computer Science. Volume: 15. Issue: 3. Pages: 620-647. Date: February 2009.
Authors: Éric Tanter, Johan Fabry
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1278. Evaluating Shared Workspace Performance Using Human Information Processing Models.
Journal: Information Research. Volume: 14. Issue: 1. Pages: Article 388. Date: March 2009.
Authors: Antonio Ferreira, Pedro Antunes, José A. Pino
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1279. Improving the Space Cost of k-NN Search in Metric Spaces by Using Distance Estimators.
Journal: Multimedia Tools and Applications. Volume: 41. Issue: 2. Pages: 215-233. Date: January 2009.
Authors: Benjamin Bustos, Gonzalo Navarro
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1280. Compressed Text Indexes: From Theory to Practice.
Journal: ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics. Volume: 13. Pages: Article 12. Date: February 2009.
Authors: Paolo Ferragina, Rodrigo González, Gonzalo Navarro, Rossano Venturini
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