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A publications repository from the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile

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1111. Compresión y Consulta de Diccionarios de Texto en Grandes Colecciones de Datos.
Editors: Coral Calero Muñoz and Ángeles Saavedra Places. Conference: Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (A Coruña, Spain). Pages: 31-44. Date: 2011.
Authors: Nieves Brisaboa, Rodrigo Cánovas, Francisco Claude, Miguel Martínez-Prieto, Gonzalo Navarro
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1112. Information Credibility on Twitter.
Conference: International World Wide Web Conference (Hyderabad, India). Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: 675-684. Date: 2011.
Authors: Carlos Castillo, Marcelo Mendoza, Bárbara Poblete
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1113. Animation of Generic 3D Head Models Driven by Speech.
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (Barcelona, Spain). Publisher: IEEE Press. Date: 2011.
Authors: Lucas Terissi, Mauricio Cerda, Juan C. Gomez, Nancy Hitschfeld, Bernard Girau, Renato Valenzuela
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1114. P-VCD: A Pivot-Based Approach for Content-Based Video Copy Detection.
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (Barcelona, Spain). Publisher: IEEE Press. Date: 2011.
Authors: Juan Manuel Barrios, Benjamin Bustos
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1115. Join Point Interfaces for Modular Reasoning in Aspect-Oriented Programs.
Conference: ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering. Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: 508-511. Date: 2011.
Authors: Milton Inostroza, Éric Tanter, Eric Bodden
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1116. Improved Compressed Indexes for Full-Text Document Retrieval.
Editors: Roberto Grossi, Fabrizio Sebastiani, and Fabrizio Silvestri. Conference: International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (Pisa, Italy). Publisher: Springer-Verlag. Pages: 286-297. Date: 2011.
Authors: Djamal Belazzougui, Gonzalo Navarro
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1117. Backwards Search in Context Bound Text Transformations.
Editors: Bruno Carpentieri, Francesco Palmieri. Conference: International Conference on Data Compression, Communication and Processing (Palinuro, Italy). Pages: 82-91. Date: 2011.
Authors: Matthias Petri, Gonzalo Navarro, J. Shane Culpepper, Simon Puglisi
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1118. Indexes for Highly Repetitive Document Collections.
Editors: I. Ounis and I. Ruthven. Conference: ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (Glasgow, Scotland). Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: 463-468. Date: 2011.
Authors: Francisco Claude, Antonio Fariña, Miguel Martínez-Prieto, Gonzalo Navarro
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1119. Boosting Participation in Virtual Communities.
Editors: Adriana R.S. Borges, Marcos S. Vivaqua. Conference: Collaboration Researchers' International Workshop on Groupware (Paratí, Brasil). Publisher: Springer-Verlag. Pages: 14-29. Date: 2011.
Authors: Francisco Gutierrez, Nelson Baloian, Gustavo Zurita
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1120. Expressing Aspectual Interactions in Design: Experiences in the Slot Machine Domain.
Editors: Jon Whittle, Tony Clark, Thomas Kühne. Conference: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (Wellington, New Zealand). Publisher: Springer-Verlag. Pages: 93-107. Date: 2011.
Authors: Johan Fabry, Arturo Zambrano, Silvia Gordillo
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