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A publications repository from the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile
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1151. |
Summarized Trace Indexing and Querying for Scalable Back-in-Time Debugging.
Conference: European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. Publisher: Springer-Verlag. Pages: 558-582. Date: 2011. Authors: Guillaume Pothier, Éric Tanter |
1152. |
Counting Messages as a Proxy for Average Execution Time in Pharo.
Conference: European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. Publisher: Springer-Verlag. Pages: 533-557. Date: 2011. Authors: Alexandre Bergel |
1153. |
Toward Lean Development in Formally Specified Software Processes.
Editors: Richard Messnarz, Damjan Ekert, Mads Christiansen, Jorn Johansen, Sonja Koinig. Conference: European System & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (Roskilde, Denmark). Pages: 5.11-5.21. Date: 2011. Authors: Cecilia Bastarrica, Julio Ariel Hurtado, Alexandre Bergel |
1154. |
Compresión y Consulta de Diccionarios de Texto en Grandes Colecciones de Datos.
Editors: Coral Calero Muñoz and Ángeles Saavedra Places. Conference: Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (A Coruña, Spain). Pages: 31-44. Date: 2011. Authors: Nieves Brisaboa, Rodrigo Cánovas, Francisco Claude, Miguel Martínez-Prieto, Gonzalo Navarro |
1155. |
Information Credibility on Twitter.
Conference: International World Wide Web Conference (Hyderabad, India). Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: 675-684. Date: 2011. Authors: Carlos Castillo, Marcelo Mendoza, Bárbara Poblete |
1156. |
Animation of Generic 3D Head Models Driven by Speech.
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (Barcelona, Spain). Publisher: IEEE Press. Date: 2011. Authors: Lucas Terissi, Mauricio Cerda, Juan C. Gomez, Nancy Hitschfeld, Bernard Girau, Renato Valenzuela |
1157. |
Querying Semantic Web Data with SPARQL.
Editors: Maurizio Lenzerini, Thomas Schwentick. Conference: ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (Athens, Greece). Publisher: ACM Press. Pages: 305-316. Date: 2011. Authors: Marcelo Arenas, Jorge Pérez |
1158. |
Succinct Nearest Neighbor Search.
Editors: Alfredo Ferro. Conference: International Workshop on Similarity Search and Applications (Lipari, Italy). Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press. Pages: 33-40. Date: 2011. Authors: Eric Sadit Téllez, Edgar Chávez, Gonzalo Navarro |
1159. |
Sketchs Characterization and Compression for Nomadic Computing.
Editors: W. Shen, J-P. Barthes, J. Luo, P. Kropf, M. Puly. J. Yang, Y. Xue, M. Ramos. Conference: IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design (Lausanne, Switzerland). Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press. Pages: 457-464. Date: 2011. Authors: Nelson Baloian, Javier Bustos, Ramon Cruzat, Richard Ibarra |
1160. |
A Collaborative Mobile Approach for Business Process Elicitation.
Editors: W. Shen, J-P. Barthes, J. Luo, P. Kropf, M. Puly. J. Yang, Y. Xue, M. Ramos. Conference: IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design (Lausanne, Switzerland). Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press. Pages: 473-480. Date: 2011. Authors: Nelson Baloian, Gustavo Zurita, Flavia Santoro, Renata Araujo, Sean Wolfgan, Douglas Machado, José A. Pino |