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A publications repository from the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile

Latest publications

1201. Automatic LEFM Crack Propagation Method Based on Local Lepp Delaunay Mesh Refinement.
Journal: Advances in Engineering Software. Volume: 41. Issue: 2. Pages: 111-119. Date: January 2010.
Authors: David Azócar, Marcelo Elgueta, María Cecilia Rivara
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1202. Practical Approaches to Reduce the Space Requirement of Lempel-Ziv-Based Compressed Text Indices.
Journal: ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics. Volume: 15. Issue: 1.5. Date: 2010.
Authors: Diego Arroyuelo, Gonzalo Navarro
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1203. XML with Incomplete Information.
Journal: Journal of the ACM. Volume: 58. Issue: 1. Pages: Article 4. Date: December 2010.
Authors: Leonid Libkin, Antonella Poggi, Cristina Sirangelo, Pablo Barceló
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1204. Closure to Efficient Causation, Computability and Artificial Life.
Journal: Journal of Theoretical Biology. Volume: 263. Issue: 1. Pages: 79-92. Date: March 2010.
Authors: María Luisa Cárdenas, Juan Carlos Letelier, Athel Cornish-Bowden, Jorge Soto-Andrade, Claudio Gutierrez
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1205. nSPARQL: A Navigational Language for RDF.
Journal: Journal of Web Semantics. Volume: 8. Issue: 4. Pages: 255-270. Date: 2010.
Authors: Jorge Pérez, Marcelo Arenas, Claudio Gutierrez
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1206. The Longest Common Extension Problem Revisited and Applications to Approximate String Searching.
Journal: Journal of Discrete Algorithms. Volume: 8. Issue: 4. Pages: 418-428. Date: 2010.
Authors: Lucian Ilie, Gonzalo Navarro, Liviu Tinta
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1207. Fast and Compact Web Graph Representations.
Journal: ACM Transactions on the Web. Volume: 4. Issue: 4. Pages: Article 16. Date: 2010.
Authors: Francisco Claude, Gonzalo Navarro
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1208. Developing Augmented Objects: A Process Perspective.
Journal: Journal of Universal Computer Science. Volume: 16. Issue: 12. Pages: 1612-1632. Date: August 2010.
Authors: Luis Guerrero, Hector Horta, Sergio Ochoa
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1209. Metro Navigation for the Blind.
Journal: Computers and Education. Volume: 55. Issue: 3. Pages: 970-981. Date: July 2010.
Authors: Jaime Sánchez, Mauricio Sáenz
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1210. Indoor Orientation and Mobility for Learners who are Blind.
Journal: Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine. Volume: 8. Pages: 131-134. Date: July 2010.
Authors: Mauricio Sáenz, Jaime Sánchez
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